How Can I Help?
On average, we estimate that our time and resources required to put in place the legal protection for all 19 parks is equivalent to around £5,000 per green space. We believe that’s a small amount when you consider the huge benefits to local people and the fact that our protection is forever.
We also believe it’s also an achievable target for many fundraising ideas!
For companies seeking to support the people of Edinburgh and this work, we can offer a range of opportunities from volunteering to lunch and learn sessions. Get in touch to find out more.
What does the future hold?
We want to explore how even more spaces could be protected across Edinburgh City. Even after this programme has finished, there will still be parks and green spaces left unprotected, so we are calling on the people of Edinburgh to support us in kick-starting a new project to protect even more!
Whether you’re an individual, a local group or a big business, we want your help to make the green legacy for Edinburgh, bigger and better.
Whether you're a resident of Edinburgh or you live in another local authority and would like to see your council adopt a similar vision there's plenty you can do to get involved.