Fields in Trust

Field Change Request Application

Submit your application for a Field Change Request using our online form.

Before starting your application please read our guidance to check if the changes you are planning require our approval. You will be charged for the field change request service, including a minimum fee of £150, so please see our fees page to get an estimate of the likely costs you will incur for your consent request.

Guidance notes

Check if the changes you are proposing to make need our consent.

Making changes to protected parks

For more information on the Field Change Request process.

Field Change Request fees

Find out more about the fees involved in the process.

Once you are ready to make your application, please complete the six-section form below.

After submission you will receive an invoice for £150 for the minimum fee. Following payment, a member of our team will review your application and get in touch to detail next steps and when you can expect to receive a decision.

Field Change Request Application


All applications (not including fast-track) will be subject to a minimum fee of £150 to be paid before an application is assessed and taken to the decision committee. An invoice for £150 will be issued upon receipt of a new application. 

Fast-Track applications

We are able to accept fast-track applications for any field change request apart from Release of Land or Exchange of Land matters.

Your Application

Applying organisation

Relationship to green space 
Please tick here to indicate you will submit a letter of support from the landowner or if Fields in Trust is the landowner
Contact Address

Agency acting for the organisation (e.g. Solicitor, Utility Company) (if applicable)

Organisation Address

General information about your request

Does the proposal affect the whole of the space? 
If no, then please ensure the area affected is clearly represented on the plans you provide with your application.
Is the primary purpose of the proposal to avoid, adapt or mitigate the actual or anticipated effects of climate change; and/or to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including toward a target of 'net zero'?  

In principle Fields in Trust is supportive of changes and adaptations to a protected green space that relate to improving or enhancing environmental benefits associated with climate change and net zero. However, in some cases replacement land may be required in accordance with our Disposal Policy and we will advise you of the need to put forward an alternative space once we have reviewed your application.

Examples of proposals coming under this category that require Fields in Trust's consent are: turbines of any size or number not directly benefitting the protected space; solar panels on the ground or where solar power generated is to be used beyond the protected space for wider climate change mitigation objectives; flood prevention requiring erection of structures; electric car charging points where the car parking area will be extended.

Type of request you are making

Type of request you are making

Specific details about your request

Please make sure you have selected at least 1 type of request in section 3



Will the fenced off area be kept locked?
Will any charges be imposed for the use of the fenced off area?
Please tick to indicate you will upload the following document(s):
Event or festival

Event or festival

Will the event be open to members of the public?
Please tick to indicate you will upload the following document(s):
Request for release of land

Release of land from Fields in Trust protection

Please note that upon completing this Field Change Request application form, you will also be required to complete a Field Protection application form for the proposed replacement land.

Are there any restrictions on the title of the proposed replacement land that prevent it being dedicated as a playing field and recreation ground?
Are there any leases or licences or other third-party rights that may affect the dedication of the replacement land?
Please tick to indicate you will upload the following document(s):
Transfer of protected land to another landowner where the protection will continue

Transfer of protected land to another landowner where the protection will continue

If your application is approved, is the proposed transferee willing to enter into a new Deed of Dedication with Fields in Trust?
Are you satisfied that the proposed transferee has the means to maintain the space?
Please tick to indicate you will upload the following document(s):
Change of use of land from recreational to non-recreational

Change of use of land from recreational to non-recreational

Will the change of use be permanent or temporary (excluding temporary car parking or site compound)?
Is replacement land being offered?
Please tick to indicate you will upload the following document(s):
Change of Holding Trustee

Change of Holding Trustee

If your application is approved, will the new Trustee agree to enter into a supplemental Deed with Fields in Trust agreeing to be bound by the terms of the existing Deed of Dedication?
Please tick to indicate you will upload the following document(s):
Legal Charge
Is any part of the funding a loan?
Please tick to indicate you will upload the following document(s):
Licence giving exclusive use

Licence giving exclusive use

Please tick to indicate you will upload the following document(s):
Easements, Servitudes, Wayleaves and Rights

Easements, Servitudes, Wayleaves and Rights

If your application is approved, please indicate whether you intend to reinvest the entire income into the recreational use of the space
Please tick to indicate you will upload the following document(s):
Lease or Sub-Lease

Lease or Sub-Lease

Is the proposed leaseholder a non-corporate body?
Are there any break clauses in the lease?
Are you intending to charge a nominal rent?
Does the proposed lease include no right of alienation, whether by assignment or sub-letting?
Will the lease be contracted out of the security of tenure provisions of the Landlords and Tenants Act 1954?
Does the proposed leaseholder intend to introduce any charges for the use of the demised premises?
Please tick to indicate you will upload the following document(s):
Lease Assignment

Lease Assignment

Does the proposed leaseholder intend to introduce any charges for the use of the demised premises?
Please tick to indicate you will upload the following document(s):
New building, structure or extension

New building, structure or extension

Please tick to indicate you will upload the following document(s):
Change of use of an existing building or structure

Change of use of an existing building or structure

Please tick to indicate you will upload the following document(s):
Car parks

Car parks

Will the car park have any charges associated with its use?
Please tick to indicate you will upload the following document(s):
Other change to a protected space

Other change to a protected space

Please tick to indicate you will upload the following document(s):

Planning permission and consultations

Any consent granted by Fields in Trust is conditional upon you obtaining the necessary planning permission through the Local Planning Authority.
Is planning permission required?: 
Has planning permission been granted?:
Has a planning application been submitted?
Has there been any opposition to the proposal? 

Additional information and formal declaration

Supporting Documents

Letter of support from the landowner (If not Fields in Trust)
A clear plan of the protected space delineating the line of the proposed fencing. If possible, please also illustrate the proposals on an aerial or satellite map.
A clear plan of the protected space delineating the boundaries of the area required for the event or festival in colour. If possible, please also illustrate the proposals on an aerial or satellite map.
A clear plan of the protected space delineating the boundaries of the land required for release in colour.
A clear plan of the proposed replacement land in colour
A letter from the proposed transferee confirming they are willing to enter into a new Deed of Dedication with Fields in Trust.
A clear plan of the protected space delineating the boundaries of the land required for release in colour.
A clear plan of the protected space delineating the boundaries of the area in respect of which the change of use is requested in colour. If possible, please also illustrate the proposals on an aerial or satellite map.
A copy of the proposed Deed of Appointment and Retirement of Trustee or TR1.
Clear plans of the land to be subject to the legal charge
Copy of the proposed Legal Charge, or loan agreement and terms and condition of grant.
Upload a copy of the draft loan agreement and funding documents
Clear plan of the protected space and a copy of the plan to be attached to the Licence. If possible, please also illustrate the proposals on an aerial or satellite map.
Copy of proposed Licence
Copy of the plan to be attached to the Easement, Servitude or Wayleave (as applicable). If possible, please also illustrate the proposals on an aerial or satellite map.
Copy of the proposed Deed of Easement/Servitude/Wayleave or agreed Heads of Terms.
A copy of the sports club's constitution or similar
Clear plan of the protected space and a copy of the plan to be attached to the lease/sub-lease/assignment. If possible, please also illustrate the proposals on an aerial or satellite map.
Copy of the proposed lease/sublease or agreed Heads of Terms
Copy of the lease that is being assigned
Copy of the draft deed of assignment
Copy of the governing document for the proposed leaseholder, if it is a sport club or a charity.
A clear plan of the protected space delineating the location and boundaries of the proposed building, structure or extension in colour. If possible, please also illustrate the proposals on an aerial or satellite map.
Proposed floor plan
If the proposal is for a building extension, also a floor plan for the existing building.
Planning permission, if already granted
A clear plan of the protected space delineating the location and boundaries of the building. If possible, please also illustrate the proposals on an aerial or satellite map.
Existing floor plan
Planning permission, if already granted
A clear plan of the protected space delineating the boundaries of any existing car park in one colour and proposed new car park in another colour. If possible, please also illustrate the proposals on an aerial or satellite map.
Planning permission, if already granted
Supporting Documents

Planning Permission Documents

Please upload documentary evidence about the outcome of consultations:
Please upload any committee minutes or reports that specifically reference any decisions about this proposal

Formal declaration

Fields in Trust's consent is required for a variety of matters relating to land ownership, land transactions and the erection of buildings and structures. Where we have to undertake legal work to review or draft documentation our fees will be charged to you. In order to progress with reviewing your proposal the formal declaration below must be agreed to by the applicant.

Fields in Trust will consider any request in accordance with the terms of the relevant dedication and subject to its duty to perform its charitable objects. We will respond promptly to any notifications of intended disposal or erection of structures, or to any requests for advice.