Fields in Trust

Bark For Our Parks Frequently Asked Questions

1st May 2024 - 31st May 2024

Got questions? Find all the answers you'll need to take part and complete your Bark For Our Parks challenge.

If your question isn't answered below, please get in touch at [email protected], and we will get back to you...


What is Bark For Our Parks? 

Bark For Our Parks is a mass virtual challenge event where dogs and their humans take on the challenge of walking 50km or 100km this May, raising much-needed funds for Fields in Trust - the only UK charity fighting to make sure our local parks and green spaces are legally protected and there for our walkies forever.

How do I find out if my local park is protected?

Visit our interactive tool and pop in your postcode to see if your local park or green space is protected. Let’s hope your local walkies will always be there!  And if it’s not protected, consider taking some of our suggested steps to start to lobby for it.

Who is Fields in Trust?

Fields in Trust is the only charity to protect and champion parks and green spaces across the UK.  We passionately believe parks and green spaces are the beating hearts of our communities - with the power to promote biodiversity, health, and wellbeing, and bring communities together.   

We work in partnership with landowners to protect their green spaces for good. We also lobby policymakers at all levels of government to champion the power of parks and ensure their survival.  Since 1925, we’ve saved almost 3,000 parks to date and continue to fight for their future.

I don’t have a dog – can I still raise money to help parks?

We would be thrilled if you would! Bark For Our Parks is open to everyone – those with a four-legged friend, and without. You can take part yourself without a dog (or perhaps you walk a ferret?). 

You can also take a look at our challenge events where you can find lots of options from runs and obstacle races, to parachute jumping…or whatever floats your boat (literally please, no sinking here). Get in touch with the team at Fields in Trust if you’d like any join us and need support on an alternative challenge!

Where will the funds raised be spent?

Fields in Trust gets no government funding, so we rely on generous donors like you to work with landowners to place their green spaces under our legal protection, forever.  We already protect nearly 3,000 parks and green spaces across the UK, but that’s just 6% of the total – a terrifying figure, we’re sure you’ll agree.  As well as seeking to increase that number, we also work with government, urban planners, and local authorities to demonstrate the huge value of our parks, and how they need to be seen as a vital resource for us all, and more than deserving of decent funding and upkeep.

I don’t like dogs! Why are you promoting dog walking in my park?

We know that not everyone is a dog lover, but don’t worry, this challenge is not designed to encourage more dogs in your local park, but rather to ask those who already walk their dogs to do something great with that walk.  

We will also be sharing advice from The Kennel Club to help promote responsible and respectful behaviour from both dogs and their humans.

How are you going to promote responsible dog ownership?

We’re pleased to share advice from The Kennel Club, who run the Good Citizen Dog Award and works hard to ensure that dog owners are informed and responsible for their dog’s behaviour. We will be sharing their expert advice with all participants of Bark for Our Parks. 


Is the registration free?

Yes, the registration is completely free. You only need to raise as much money as you can for Fields in Trust!

Where do I register?

Now you’ve joined the Facebook Group, you simply need to register yourself and your dog/s here, complete the form, and choose to create your fundraising page on either Facebook or JustGiving.

My family member/friend wants to join. How can they do that?

That is great! Taking on a physical challenge like this can often be more fun with friends – and help motivate you when the great British weather doesn’t play ball! 

To earn a bandana for their dog too, they’ll also need to register, and follow the process to create their Facebook or JustGiving fundraising page.  We’d encourage everyone to join the Facebook Group too.

Is there an age limit to take part in the challenge?

No. There is no age limit, but we do want people to feel comfortable and safe, so we ask that members of the Facebook Group are 18 or over. 

Remember: If you are under 18, you need a parent or a guardian to agree you can participate and for them to join the Group and create your fundraising page.

Is there a deadline to register?

The registrations will remain open until midnight on 14 May 2024 – but please note, we only have enough bandanas for the first 1,000 participants. 
Please register as soon as possible to avoid missing out!

When will I get my dog bandana?

We know your dog wants to look his best on his walkies, so the first 1,000 people to complete their registration and set up a fundraising page (on either Facebook or JustGiving) will be sent a welcome pack including a free dog bandana (that handily attaches to his collar, so will fit any dog). 

Please note, as a small team, we’re sending out bandanas every Thursday during March and April.  We will also use the same address to send any treats or rewards you earn during the challenge.

I have more than one dog, can I get more bandanas?

Unfortunately, we can only send one bandana per sign-up. If you have more than one pooch, they’ll have to take it in turn to be the best-dressed dog!  In the future, we hope to have the option to request more than one for a small donation.

I don’t want Fields in Trust to send me anything. Can I still register and not get the bandana?

Yes! You can register and create your Facebook or JustGiving fundraising page without ordering a bandana. Simply say no thank you on the registration form.


Where do I set up my Facebook or JustGiving fundraising page?

Just click here and follow the instructions. It’s as simple as that!

Is my Fundraiser page public?

Yes, once you set up a Fundraising Page any of your friends and family can donate and share!

Can I edit the information to make it in memory/tribute of my family member/ friend/ canine companion?

Yes, you can. There is an edit (or manage) button on your fundraiser page where you can make your tribute and edit all information.

What is my fundraising target?

We suggest you aim to raise at least £200 over the month. We will send your dog a treat when you reach £100, and there’s a biscuit medal for everyone who raises £200 or more during the challenge. 

There will also be a prize for the highest fundraiser though, so be ambitious. Every £1 raised will support the charitable work to protect more of our parks and green spaces, working towards our vision of every person having a park or green space within a short walk from home, both today and in the future.

My page has ended. How can I fix this?

Unfortunately, once your page is finished you can’t reactivate it. You will need to start a new one, using this link.

Can I share my Facebook fundraising page outside of Facebook?

Yes, you can! However, donations to your Facebook fundraising page must be made by those with a Facebook account. Those without a Facebook account can donate directly.


Can I donate to my own fundraising page?

Yes, we actually recommend that! Lead by example and ask your friends and family to do the same.

Can one person donate more than once?

Yes. There are no limits on how many donations one person can make.

My friends don’t have Facebook. Can they still donate to my fundraiser page?

Unfortunately, no. But they can donate directly to Fields in Trust or if they send you money directly, you can donate to your own fundraiser and add a note to thank them. 
If you think this might be a common problem, consider setting up a JustGiving fundraising page rather than a Facebook fundraising page.

How much do I have to fundraise? 

Facebook and JustGiving fundraisers are automatically set up with a target amount – we’ve set £200 as the default for Bark For Our Parks, and will send a special biscuit bone to all those who achieve it at the end of the challenge. However, any support you can offer goes a long way towards helping Fields in Trust with its mission of championing and protecting parks and green spaces across the UK.

Remember too, fundraising doesn’t have to be tough, and if you use a little imagination, it can be fun too!  Get creative with your fundraising – perhaps your dog could auction some toys or treats?

We will share a few tried and tested tips in the Facebook group but the first one is always ask your most generous supporter first – people are like penguins, they stick together and look to previous donations to guide what they give too!

My page still has no donations. How do I get people to donate?

Share your fundraising page with all your friends and post about your journey daily. You could also make a donation to your own page to show your commitment and share why the cause is important to you.

Either way, you are spreading awareness about how Fields in Trust is working to ensure we all have a park or green space close to home, both today and in the future.

My friend is in a different country and wants to donate. Is that possible?

If they can’t donate on your fundraising page, they can donate directly to Fields in Trust here.

Can I donate instead of raising sponsorship?

Absolutely. And if you do this, please also give us permission to collect the Gift Aid on your donation if possible. Our online donation page is here.

I have collected money offline. How can I send these donations?

You can donate the amount to your own fundraising page online, or you can mail your cheque made payable to Fields in Trust to our address: Woodstock Studios, 36 Woodstock Grove, London W12 8LE.

My dog bandana hasn’t arrived yet. When can I expect it to be delivered?

Please make sure you’ve registered and created your fundraising page on either Facebook or JustGiving – that should put you on our distribution list. 

As a small charity team, we have committed to sending out batches of bandanas every Thursday. Therefore, please allow 10-14 business days for delivery.  

If it has been longer than that, please email [email protected], and we will get back to you.

The challenge

How do I track my progress?

You will receive a distance tracker sheet in your welcome pack, or you can print a distance tracker from the ‘files’ section of the Facebook group. You can also find the tracker on our website here.

You can also use any fitness trackers you already have – most smartphones can track your exercise using various apps (we like the following: Apple HealthStrava, and Nike Run Club). You can even integrate a Strava account into a JustGiving fundraising page! 

If you have a pet tracker, why not base your challenge on the distance your dog covers, rather than you? Use whatever suits you best.

Can I start the challenge without my tracker?

Yes, you can. When you do get your tracker, we recommend you post pictures of it to your fundraising page as you progress through your challenge.  It’s a great way to encourage people to support you.

Can I start early or finish later?

We ask for the challenge to be set in May 2024, but we understand that other responsibilities can get in the way. We need to set a deadline by which most will aim to complete the challenge, as we have rewards for those who make it and hit their fundraising target. Every step and every £1 will make a difference though – and we’re sure your dog won’t mind if you have to buy him a treat instead!

Can I set my own distance? 

We know that little legs – or dodgy knees – might mean that our suggested distances feel a bit much. Equally, some dogs already thrive on a lot more walking!  Please feel free to set a distance that is a personal challenge for you and your dog.

What if I fail to complete the challenge?

We would love to see everyone complete the challenge, but we understand that circumstances can change. Please don't force yourself – or your dog – to complete the distance if something happens along the way.

If I, or my dog, gets injured or sick, can I finish later or give up?

Unfortunately, with physical challenges, injuries are always a possibility. Please seek medical or veterinary advice if you or your dog experience any discomfort and always follow professional guidelines.

Do I have to provide proof of completion?

Absolutely not, we trust you. However, it is a great idea to post updates on your progress to your fundraising page to let your supporters know how you're getting on with your challenge. It can encourage them to support you.

I am feeling sore. Can I stop for one day and keep going later on?

Feeling sore can happen when taking up a challenge like this. Please allow yourself a day or more of rest, stretch before and after your activity, and seek medical help if necessary.

What if I can’t complete the challenge?

That is absolutely fine. We know life can get in the way. Don’t feel discouraged. We are grateful for your support and help in building awareness!

What rewards I can earn with my dog whilst taking part in Bark for Our Parks?

We have some brilliant “paw-tners” who are supporting this campaign, and have offered a range of discounts and rewards for you and your pooch to earn. Please join us in thanking them for their support in your social media posts by sharing photos and tagging their brands:  @LifeofRileyBake and @SimplyIceCream.

Thanks again to Life of Riley – Pet Bakery & Boutique and Simply Ice Cream!

Bark For Our Parks

We are calling all dogs (and their human owners) to take on the challenge of walking 50km or 100km this May.


From posters to shareable graphics and distance trackers - we’ve got your challenge sorted!

Our Paw-tners

We’re thrilled to be supported by brilliant companies who share our belief that we all need green spaces close to home.