Fields in Trust

PARTNERS: Supporting the Groundwork Community Awards

Posted on 22nd November 2019
Fields in Trust were pleased to sponsor the Best Community Group Contribution to Sport or Physical Activity category at the Groundwork Community Awards, presented this week.

Fields in Trust were pleased to sponsor the Best Community Group Contribution to Sport or Physical Activity category at the Groundwork Community Awards, presented this week.

We congratulate the award winners, Gympanzees, a Bristol-based social enterprise who are working towards creating the UK's first, fully inclusive centre catering for the play, exercise and social needs of children and young people with disabilities. Gympanzees has been running Pop-Up play sessions across the region during school holidays to partially address local needs and to refine the concept whilst the permanent facility is being built. Their vision - that every disabled child and young person in the UK has access to play, friendship and exercise - is one that resonates with Fields in Trust's approach. We believe that everyone, irrespective of who they are and where they live should have the right to enjoy space for play, sport and the enjoyment of nature.

Fields in Trust sponsored this award as it celebrated the work of local community groups to increase participation in play, sport and physical activities. We know that, whether as part of a team or as an individual, being physically active improves physical health and mental wellbeing. Increasing the number and extending the range of regular participants undertaking physical activity not only improves individual health and wellbeing, but it also binds people together with their neighbours and friends.

Presenting the award, Fields in Trust Chief Executive, Helen Griffiths, said: "We are delighted to support the Groundwork 'Best Community Group Contribution to Sport or Physical Activity' award which recognises the excellent community-based organisations committed to ensuring equity of access for play and sport and including the whole community in these projects. I congratulate Gympanzees for their inspiring work which demonstrates the remarkable impact that can be achieved when communities take action".

The runners-up in this category were The Integrated Care Learning Disability Super League, which gives people with learning disabilities and autism the opportunity to play an adapted form of Rugby League, and Bexley Mencap, who run several sports and physical activity groups to support people with learning disabilities to lead active and fulfilling lives.

The Groundwork Community Awards were an uplifting celebration of community groups making a real difference in their local areas. Across the UK, from running or cycling clubs, walking football, wheelchair basketball, sessions at the outdoor gym club or community sports days, whatever the activity, there are countless volunteers and professionals who all provide opportunities for communities to come together and undertake enjoyable leisure activities that can improve health, wellbeing and community connections.

Pictured are Fields in Trust Chief Executive, Helen Griffiths, with Gympazees CEO and Founder, Stephanie Wheen, and Operations Manager, Fran Garland.