Fields in Trust

SUMMER OF PARKS: A park isn't just for summer

Posted on 10th September 2019
You've been championing your local parks in record numbers this summer. If you enjoyed the Summer of Parks there's plenty of ways to stay involved.

This summer you've been championing your local parks and green spaces in record numbers, from the nearly 50,000 people who attended Have a Field Day events on the first Saturday in July to the 36,000-plus who helped choose this year's UK's Best Park to the 135,000 who have enjoyed Summer of Parks content on our website.

A park isn't just for summer though! There's plenty of ways you can stay involved and in touch well beyond the close of the Summer of Parks with the announcement of UK's Best Park 2019 on Thursday evening.

Thank you for your tremendous support this Summer of Parks!


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Start planning for next summer

The sun may only just be setting on this summer, but there's no better time to look forward to next year! Have a Field Day will take place on Saturday 4th July 2020 - start planning your picnic today and sign-up to hear as soon as registration opens.

One Small Thing

This summer you've been joining in and doing one small thing each week to celebrate parks and green spaces. All the tasks are still available through the Summer of Parks page along with all of the weekly content from throughout the summer in case you joined late or want to take a look back.

Discover protected spaces

Fields in Trust have been protecting parks and green spaces for over 90 years. Over 2,809 spaces across the UK are legally secured in perpetuity with Fields in Trust meaning there's probably one near you. Just put your postcode into our Fields Finder to discover protected spaces nearby.

Learn more

Our online Knowledge Base is an easy-to-use one-stop-shop for anybody who is involved with parks and green spaces, from community groups to landowners. It is packed with information to help you with the management and maintenance of your local green space. Search for a specific topic or just have a browse!

Explore provision

Our Green Space Index is a barometer of publicly accessible park and green space provision. The headline statistics for each nation and region of Great Britain are accompanied by interactive online maps which allow you to drill down to a local level and explore provision nearby.

Step back in time

Fields in Trust was founded in 1925 by HRH The Duke of York, later HM King George VI. We have a rich and varied history which you can discover in our interactive archive - did you know that in 1951 Frank Sinatra produced what is widely accepted as the world's first charity single to support our work, or that Gyles Brandreth once set a world record for After Dinner Speaking at one of our fundraising events? Find out more about those and more in the archive!

Donate to support our work

And finally, if you've enjoyed the Summer of Parks then please consider making a donation to support our work. Fields in Trust is an independent charity dedicated to protecting, supporting and championing green spaces for good. Your support can help us continue to make the case for parks and secure their green future.

Summer of Parks: Join the discussion as we champion our parks and green spaces

Green Space Index: Our new barometer of publicly accessible green space provision

UK's Best Park: Celebrate your favourite local green space - discover the results

From the Minister: Rishi Sunak MP joins our Summer of Parks with a guest blog