Fields in Trust


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30th June 2021

CHAMPION: Saying thank you to our local parks and green spaces

In our latest staff blog, our Chief Executive Helen Griffiths looks ahead to Thank You Day this weekend and reflects on the importance of our parks and green spaces during the pandemic.
25th June 2021

FIELDS IN TRUST: Latest Impact Report launched at Annual General Meeting

The 2020 Fields in Trust Impact Report was launched at our AGM, which provided an opportunity to reflect on both the importance of local parks during 2020 and the contributions of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh to the charity.
4th June 2021

GUEST BLOG: How green spaces support our mental health

In our latest guest blog, Shari McDaid, PhD, Head of Evidence and Impact at the Mental Health Foundation sets out the evidence behind the effects of nature on our mental health as well as addressing the current inequity of access to these benefits.
Comment & Policy | 27th May 2021

Green space not equally accessible to all, finds latest Green Space Index launched by The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have launched the latest Green Space Index, which reveals that our much loved local parks are not equally accessible to all.
Comment & Policy | 10th May 2021

POLICY: Further 24 elected representatives returned on pledge to protect green spaces for good

We're delighted that a further 24 elected representatives have joined the cohort of policymakers across the UK who have signed the Parks Protector Pledge.
Comment & Policy | 19th April 2021

Challenge your candidates to make a commitment to your local green spaces this election

We are calling on candidates in May's Scottish Parliament, Welsh Senedd, London Assembly and Mayoral elections to demonstrate their support for green spaces by taking the Parks Protector Pledge.
15th April 2021

Remembering HRH The Duke of Edinburgh

Fields in Trust Chief Executive, Helen Griffiths, remembers HRH The Duke of Edinburgh and reflects on the lasting impact his work will have.
9th April 2021

HRH The Duke of Edinburgh (1921-2021)

HRH The Duke of Edinburgh actively served as our President for 64 years, he recognised the power of parks and green spaces for our physical health and for our mental wellbeing and we are indebted to him for his decades of support
1st April 2021

Fields in Trust slam council plans for portable parks

Fields in Trust are deeply concerned to learn of plans being developed by two local authorities to sell their portfolios of parks and green spaces and replace them with shared "portable parks"
30th March 2021

FIELDS IN TRUST: Senior Parliamentarian Clive Betts MP joins Trustee Board

Sheffield South East MP, Clive Betts, has joined the Fields in Trust Council and will take on the voluntary Trustee role with immediate effect.
23rd March 2021

CHAMPION: Seven ways our parks have been there for us; one year on from the start of lockdown

Never before have we appreciated the ability to visit the park quite so much as over the past twelve months. Here's a look at just seven of the ways our local green spaces have been there for us when we've needed them the most over the last 365 days.
19th March 2021

PROTECT: Liverpool City Council makes pioneering commitment to protect all parks and green spaces forever

Liverpool City Council has made a first-of-its-kind commitment to protect all the city's parks and green spaces in perpetuity with Fields in Trust, ensuring they can never be sold off or build on.
