An area of public open space at Lynnsport has been protected by Fields in Trust as part of the Active Spaces programme. The programme secures recreational land development in perpetuity and supports community use of the site.
Do you think that your local park, playground or playing field is the best in the country? Here's your chance to prove it. National charity Fields in Trust have launched this year's campaign to find the UK's Best Park.
Parks and Green Spaces Minister, Marcus Jones MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Minister for Local Government has announced the creation of a 'Parks Action Group'.
Nominations are now open for the 2017 Fields in Trust Awards, our annual showcase of the hard work of green space champions across the UK; nominations are invited in nine separate categories.
Fields in Trust Cymru is supported and advised by a Welsh Committee who apply their skills and experience to support the work of Fields in Trust as volunteers.
Fields in Trust Chief Executive, Helen Griffiths, today joined Parks and Green Spaces Minister Marcus Jones as he visited Rugby's award winning green spaces.
East Belfast's Cregagh Green is the first project in the UK to be awarded funding by the London Marathon Charitable Trust (LMCT) as part of the Active Spaces programme.
The Fields in Trust submission to last year's Parliamentary Inquiry into the Future of Public Parks called for a change in the way public green space is conceived.
In this article Fields in Trust Chief Executive, Helen Griffiths, introduces our Impact Report for 2016 and highlights key achievements of our work over the last year.