Fields in Trust

Comment & Policy

Comment & Policy | 27th May 2021

Green space not equally accessible to all, finds latest Green Space Index launched by The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have launched the latest Green Space Index, which reveals that our much loved local parks are not equally accessible to all.
Comment & Policy | 10th May 2021

POLICY: Further 24 elected representatives returned on pledge to protect green spaces for good

We're delighted that a further 24 elected representatives have joined the cohort of policymakers across the UK who have signed the Parks Protector Pledge.
Comment & Policy | 19th April 2021

Challenge your candidates to make a commitment to your local green spaces this election

We are calling on candidates in May's Scottish Parliament, Welsh Senedd, London Assembly and Mayoral elections to demonstrate their support for green spaces by taking the Parks Protector Pledge.


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