Fields in Trust


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28th May 2020

CHAMPION: The ten-minute walk and why it’s important

One of five indices in our Green Space Index measures accessibility of parks and green spaces based on the number of people not living within a ten-minute walking distance. Why is it important to measure this, and why ten-minutes?
28th May 2020

POLICY: Latest Green Space Index highlights importance of parks and green spaces

Despite local green spaces being of such value to us all right now, the 2020 release of the Green Space Index finds that 2.7 million people across Great Britain do not have access to such a space within a ten-minute walk of where they live.
23rd April 2020

GET INVOLVED: Take on The 2.6 Challenge this Sunday and help protect green spaces for good

At a time when we are all reminded of how much we value local parks, take part in The 2.6 Challenge and support our work to protect green spaces for good
20th March 2020

CHAMPION: Making the most of your local green spaces whilst staying safe at this time

Our research has demonstrated clear physical health and mental wellbeing benefits from regular use of parks and green spaces. However, the Covid-19 pandemic means we will all be spending a lot more time indoors in the forthcoming weeks.
11th March 2020

POLICY: Levelling-up the playing fields - our response to the 2020 Budget statement

Read Fields in Trust's response to the Chancellor of the Exchequer's 2020 Budget statement.
4th March 2020

PROTECT: Scottish capital latest to boost local activity levels through Active Spaces

Residents in Edinburgh are the latest to feel the benefits of Fields in Trust’s Active Spaces programme. Two green spaces have been protected in perpetuity by The City of Edinburgh Council under the scheme.
26th February 2020

CHAMPION: New partnership between The Co-op and Fields in Trust will help protect endangered spaces

Fields in Trust is delighted to announce a new partnership with The Co-op which will result in the creation of original policy research into community access to parks and green spaces, and reflect clear synergies between the two organisations.
20th February 2020

PROTECT: Latest benefits of Active Spaces felt in Northern Ireland

The latest benefits of Fields in Trust’s Active Spaces programme are being felt in Northern Ireland, following the opening of a new trim trail at The People’s Park in Ballymena.
14th February 2020

POLICY: Green Space Index shortlisted for industry award

Fields in Trust's Green Space Index has been shortlisted in the Analytical Insights category at Esri UK's annual Customer Success Awards.
26th December 2019

A Look Back On 2019

We take a look back on some of the highlights from another busy year for our nation's parks and green spaces.
24th December 2019

PROTECT: Century of green spaces protected for good in 2019

Over the course of 2019 our work has led to another 101 parks and green spaces across the UK gaining legal protection in perpetuity.
13th December 2019

POLICY: 21 MPs elected with pledge to protect parks

The 2019 UK General Election has seen 21 candidates, representing five parties, who took our Parks Protector Pledge during the campaign returned as Members of Parliament.
