Our latest Summer of Parks spotlight shines on Diversity Park in Portstewart and showcases how they have created a play space that all children can enjoy.
You cast a stunning 36,832 votes for 364 nominated parks and green spaces. Discover when and how to find out the results from the UK's Best Park 2019 award.
As our Summer of Parks week on organised sport in parks concludes we take a look at some tips if you're wanting to try out a new sport at your local park or green space.
As Summer of Parks discusses organised sport in parks, our latest staff blog comes from Fields in Trust Wales Manager, Rhodri Edwards, who discusses how playing rugby helped shape him as a person and still provides lasting benefits.
This week's Summer of Parks spotlight shines on Sherwood Cricket Club in Kent, who have used Fields in Trust protection to secure their home ground and ensure organised sporting activity in Rochester is safeguarded for future generations.
This week our Summer of Parks is discussing organised sport in parks and here we take a journey from A to Z through 26 sports you may find in your local park or green space.
We welcome a guest blog from Marguerite Hunter Blair, Chief Executive of Play Scotland and Fields in Trust Scotland Committee member, who discusses the importance of outdoor experiences for children's development.